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Greater Loudoun Babe Ruth

Your teen deserves a player’s league.

Continuing the long-standing tradition of Loudoun baseball, Greater Loudoun Babe Ruth is a league for players ages 12-18 who want to enjoy playing ball on the big field. 

Kids get to play the game they love. 

As other youth baseball leagues have minimum playing time rules where players may sit for over half the game, we want to remind you that Greater Loudoun Babe Ruth is a player’s league. Our simple implied playing time rule for all regular season games is that no player sits in consecutive innings and no player sits two innings until everyone has sat once.

A trusted league for Loudoun baseball. 

We have provided the youth of Loudoun with the opportunity to enjoy baseball with their friends for nearly 70 years. We were the first league to be inducted into the SE Region Babe Ruth Hall of Fame (2009). We recently participated in regional all-star tournaments at the 12-13, 14-15, and 16-18 levels. Our registration numbers are already looking healthy and we anticipate another great spring season of baseball.

Our belief in baseball as a preparation for life. 

We believe the baseball diamond is a place where boys can grow into young men. We prepare our coaches to focus on the development of skilled players, supportive teammates, and gracious but fierce competitors. Players learn how to come together with others toward a shared goal, handle the pressure of competition, work hard to improve a skill, and handle the ups and downs of a season full of games. 

Join us. 

GLBR is looking for Volunteers!

Interested in coaching or managing this spring?  How about helping with PR and social media?  Send us an e-mail at to let us know if you'd like to be part of the team.

Our Sponsors

A special thanks to our wonderful sponsors!

Contact Us

Greater Loudoun Babe Ruth

PO Box 836
Purcellville, VA 20134